Do Aliens build these metal monolith?
A new mysterious monolith appears on top of the mountain in California
It has happened again. Another mysterious monolith has appeared atop a mountain in California. With this, the monolith mystery has deepened further at a time when questions remain unanswered over appearance followed by the disappearance of metal monoliths in the Utah desert and Romania.
A local newspaper in a town on the central California coast reported that the silvery column had been found atop Pine mountain. Local hikers later posted pictures on the internet.
Three monoliths in a month!
The monolith disappeared after two weeks.
Later in November, another metal monolith suddenly appeared close to an ancient Dacian fortress in Romania. The monolith found in Romania also had a mirrored surface but appeared to have been covered with graffiti. Like its Utah sibling, the monolith in Romania also vanished.
“The three-sided obelisk appeared to be made of stainless steel, 10-feet tall and 18 inches wide. The object was welded together at each corner, with rivets attaching the side panels to a likely steel frame inside,” the Atascadero News reported.
The newspaper reported the Atascadero monolith was apparently a little wobbly and that it might be possible to push it over.
A similar structure was reportedly found in the mountains of Romania too.
The Utah monolith was first spotted on 18 November by state helicopter crews helping wildlife biologists count bighorn sheep. The object, about 11ft tall and apparently made of stainless steel, soon attracted hundreds of curious onlookers to its location as its fame spread around the globe.
The shiny pillar, which protruded some 12 feet from the red rocks of southern Utah, was first spotted on November 18 by baffled local officials counting bighorn sheep from the air.
Images emerged Tuesday of four men working in the dead of night to remove the strange, triangular pillar that had garnered global attention from its remote resting place in the western United States desert.
Four regular-sized men, neither little nor green, shattered hopes that the mysterious Utah monolith was a harbinger of alien enlightenment.
“This is why you don’t leave trash in the desert,” said one in a distinctly non-extraterrestrial dialect as the group made quick work of removing the monolith.
Photographer Ross Bernards, who visited the monolith Friday, described in an Instagram post accompanying the photos how four men suddenly appeared that night, pushed the object over, and dismantled it before carrying it off in a wheelbarrow.
a large metal statue has appeared on the Romanian hillside — days after a similar one disappeared from a desert in Utah.
The silver monolith was found in Utah on 18 November before vanishing on 27 November.
Now, a similar object has been found on Batca Doamnei Hill in northern Romania, prompting the local mayor of Piatra Neamt to write a statement.
A similar metal structure was discovered on 26 November on Batca Doamnei Hill in northern Romania, prompting the local mayor to write a statement urging “those who think there is still life in the universe” not to panic.
Andrei Carabelea wrote on Facebook: “There is no reason to panic for those who think there is still life in the universe.
“My guess is that some alien, cheeky and terrible teenagers left home with their parents’ UFO and started planting metal monoliths around the world. First in Utah and then at Piatra Neamt. I am honored that they chose our city.
“Beyond the conspiracy theories that can be tempting, I’d like to see this randomness as further proof that our city is special. For the earthlings and (maybe) not only.”
The mayor said he’d have appreciated an application for a building permit before the structure was erected, but that he hoped the monolith’s appearance would attract more tourists.
What is the mystery?
The discovery of mysterious metal structures has sparked a guessing game over how they appear and then disappear.
After news of the Utah monolith went viral, many noted the object’s similarity with strange alien monoliths that trigger huge leaps in human progress in Stanley Kubrick’s classic sci-fi film “2001: A Space Odyssey.”
Others remarked on its discovery during a turbulent year that has seen the world gripped by the Covid-19 pandemic, and optimistically speculated it could have a different function entirely.
“This is the ‘reset’ button for 2020. Can someone please press it quickly?” joked one Instagram user.
“Somebody took the time to use some type of concrete-cutting tool or something to really dig down, almost in the exact shape of the object, and embed it really well,” Nick Street, a spokesman for the Department of Public Safety told the New York Times.
This is the third sighting of a monolith in less than 20 days after the first metal structure was spotted in Utah on 18 November, leading to speculations about why it was installed and by whom. Almost as mysteriously as it appeared, the structure was removed on 27 November by five men who told witnesses to “leave no trace”.